My Sitemap

Alphabetical Sitemap

  • If you want to efficiently remember something, it is necessary that it be regarded in connection, or in association with one or more other things that you already know. The greater the number of other things with which it is associated with, the better chances you will be able to recall it.
  • Images are internal sensory representations that are also used in the creation of memory. They can bring words to mind, which can arouse other images or pictures. The formation of images appears to help in learning and remembering what has been learned or experienced in the past.
  • Here are some of the valuable methods which you can use in achieving an imaginative memory: Learn to think with both words and figures. For example, in reading a book, it would be helpful to stop for a while and reconstruct the suggested scenario inside your head.
  • Grouping of details and data in recalling names or numbers is very essential in the process of retention. The associative power suggested by groups or grouped items help us further organize or give direction in memorization.
  • You have probably heard a similar statement that says, “The most beautiful word an individual can ever hear is his or her own name being called by another person.” However, this poses a great threat to people who have trouble remembering names, especially those who are frequently attending important business meetings and gatherings.
  • If someone approaches you and called you by your first name, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if you don’t reciprocate by saying his or her name back? And of course, it’s more humiliating to directly ask his or her name when that person expects you to know it. The same thing stands true for remembering faces. Wouldn’t it bother you to have met successful entrepreneurs in a gathering, only to forget how they look like when you get home?
  • These two simple techniques, reveal how to remember numbers quickly and easily.
  • Improve both your ability to retain and retrieve memories with these 6 simple activities to improve memory.
  • Improve short term memory retention with these easy memory boosting tips. Any memory enhancing activity that you do will benefit both your short term and long term memory.
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  • Today's hectic lifestyles have caused us to neglect our bodies and minds. Exercise and nutrition are still the most crucial tools in keeping our memory sharp and improve memory and concentration.
  • Use These Simple Tips and Improve Your Memory Skills and Stay Sharp No Matter How Old You Are.
  • Do you want to increase your brain power? Discover how the brain works to process and store information, plus gain useful tips to increase your brain power and boost memory and concentration.
  • Find out that no matter how old you are, you can increase your memory, improve concentration and think clearer if you exercise your brain using memory games
  • Yes, it really does matter what you eat. Not only is a balanced diet necessary for our physical health, what we eat also plays an important role in brain functions such as memory, attention and concentration. While diet supplements are popular today and can help replace some of the nutrients we may lack, there is one thing to remember
  • Research has shown that roughly 15% of those over 65 years old suffer from some form of dementia. Those numbers go up to 23% after 75 and skyrocket to 48% of those over 85. But there are memory strategies that help stave off dementia while improving our brain function right now. You see, your brain needs exercise, much the way that our muscles do.
  • Exercise not only tones our muscles but the right exercises can increase blood circulation in our brains which is an easy way to “boost my brain”, as so many ask for.